Terms and Conditions

RentPay Scorebuilder and Safetynet (credit provided by One Card Credit Pty Ltd, ACL 388941)

  1. Your agreement with us
    • 1.1. Your RentPay Scorebuilder and Safetynet agreement (“Agreement”) is a Continuing Credit Contract provided by One Card Credit Pty Ltd (ACN 120 306 676, ACL 388941) of Level 7, 109 Georges Tce, Perth WA, 6000 (One Card Credit) consists of:
      • 1.1.1.  these Terms; and
      • 1.1.2.  the Schedule.
    • 1.2. You acknowledge that RentPay Technology Pty Ltd (ACN 636 254 709) (RentPay) may receive fees from One Card Credit in respect of the Agreement.
    • 1.3.  References to “we”, “us” and “our” relate to both RentPay and One Card Credit as applicable.
    • 1.4.  These documents constitute an offer by you to enter into this Agreement with us.
    • 1.5.  Acceptance of this offer shall be by:
      • 1.5.1.  a communication from us to you that we have accepted your offer notifying you of your credit limit; or
      • 1.5.2.  the credit limit becoming available for you to drawdown into your RentPay wallet.
    • 1.6  These terms are periodically updated from time to time. You will be taken to have accepted the updated terms and conditions:
      • 1.6.1  where we notify you of any such changes and you do not terminate this Agreement; and
      • 1.6.2  the next time you pay an instalment due under the Schedule.
    • 1.7  By entering into this Agreement, you declare that:
      • 1.7.1  all information you have given in connection with it is accurate and not misleading and you are aware that we are relying on it. This includes any identification information provided by you to us to process your application;
      • 1.7.2  you enter this Agreement in your personal capacity; and
      • 1.7.3  you do not enter this Agreement on behalf of any third-party beneficiary.
    • 1.8.  Subject to all other provisions of this agreement, we shall make available the credit limit which we approve for you to be drawdown down by you to your RentPay wallet.
  1. Agreement Pre-Conditions
    • 2.1.  We may conduct a credit check on you, which may include obtaining your credit report to which you have provided your consent. Any information we collect about you will be handled in accordance with our Privacy Policy which you can access from our website.
    • 2.2.  We may also seek further information to verify your identity, which you must provide to us on request.
    • 2.3.  We reserve the right to reject for any reason your application for a Credit Contract with us.
    • 2.4.  Whether we accept your offer to enter into this Agreement with you or not, an Application Fee as set out in the Schedule is payable by you to us.
  1. Your payment obligations
    • 3.1.  If we do not accept your offer to enter into this Agreement with you, you direct and authorise us to charge the amount of the Application Fee to your Nominated Account.
    • 3.2.  If we enter into this Agreement with you, you must repay the amount of credit we provide you in relation to this Agreement by making the Instalments specified in the Schedule without set-off or deduction and on or prior to the payment date for each Instalment.
    • 3.3.  Unless you otherwise make an Instalment payment before its due date, you direct and authorise us to charge the amount of any Instalment (together with     any applicable fee as set out in the Schedule) to your Nominated Account on the date on which the Instalment is due without any set-off or deduction.
    • 3.4.  In authorising us to charge your Nominated Account you understand and agree that, on occasion, the amount to be charged may not be debited from your Nominated Card until the day after the day on which the instalment is due.
    • 3.5.  You may make any Instalment payment sooner than its due date without any additional cost (other than the applicable Scorebuilder Fee and Safetynet Fee).
    • 3.6.  You may draw down any Available Credit under this Agreement to finance future advances up to the Credit Limit in the Schedule.
    • 3.7.  You must ensure there are sufficient funds available to allow each instalment to be charged to the Nominated Account when it is due. You agree to notify us promptly by email if the Nominated Account specified in Schedule is cancelled, suspended, expires or is due to expire or has insufficient funds to make an Instalment payment or otherwise ceases to be a means by which we may collect payments while such payments remain owing.
    • 3.8.  If you do so notify us as required in 3.7 above, you must immediately nominate another Account in your name at an Australian financial institution or otherwise pay the outstanding balance and all other amounts payable under this Agreement.
  1. Credit Fees and Charges
    • 4.1.  You will not be charged interest on this Agreement.
    • 4.2.  The fees payable under this Agreement are those fees set out in this Clause and in the Schedule. They are:
      • 4.2.1.  The Application Fee payable upon you submitting your completed Schedule and offering to enter into this Agreement with us;
      • 4.2.2.  The Scorebuilder Fee payable according to the Schedule;
      • 4.2.3.  The Safetynet Fee payable according to the Schedule.
    • 4.3.  We will charge you a Missed Payment Fee of $15.00 if you fail to pay an Instalment due under the terms of the Schedule and this Agreement by the due date.
    • 4.4.  All fees applied under this clause are payable immediately. We may, at our discretion, reasonably delay the charging of, or waive wholly or partly, any fee. No such delay or waiver will be taken to restrict us in charging the fee in the future.
    • 4.5.  If fees are or may be incurred as a result of our error, please let us know, and we will waive or refund such fees.
    • 4.6.  Notwithstanding any other provision of this Agreement, the total of all the fees you must pay in connection with this Agreement (excluding Missed Payment Fees) is capped as follows:
      • 4.6.1.  in the first 12 months after commencement of this Agreement, $200; and
      • 4.6.2.  in each subsequent 12-month period, $125.
  1. Default and its consequences
    • 5.1.  You default under this Agreement if:
      • 5.1.1.  subject to clause 5.2.3, you fail to pay any amount when due;
      • 5.1.2.  you fail to comply in a material way with any of your obligations under this Agreement;
      • 5.1.3.  you become bankrupt, die or have a guardian or administrator appointed; or
      • 5.1.4.  we discover you deliberately gave us misleading or untrue information about a material matter in connection with this Agreement.
    • 5.2.  If you default under this Agreement:
      • 5.2.1.  in respect of a default for a late payment then a Late Payment Fee may be applied and if applied, must be paid immediately;
      • 5.2.2. if the default is of a kind which can be fixed, we may send you a notice requiring you to fix the default within 14 days, failing which, we may terminate this Agreement and the Outstanding Balance will become immediately payable together with all other amounts payable under this Agreement; and
      • 5.2.3.  if the default is of a kind which cannot be fixed, we may send you a notice terminating this Agreement and requiring payment of the Outstanding Balance within 14 days together with all other amounts payable under this Agreement.
    • 5.3.  On termination of this Agreement due to your default, you authorise us to charge the Outstanding Balance to your Nominated Account and you acknowledge that it may be necessary for us to charge your Nominated Account with such instalments and applicable fees individually.
    • 5.4.  If any charge to your Nominated Account under clause 5.3 fails, you authorise us to apply any funds available in your RentPay wallet to reduce the Outstanding Balance.
    • 5.5.  If you change your Nominated Account without telling us, or if a debit to your Nominated Account dishonours, we may charge to any previous Nominated Account any outstanding amounts you owe us under this Agreement unless you have instructed us otherwise.
    • 5.6.  Where your payment of an Instalment is dishonoured, we may reattempt to debit the amount from your Nominated Account at a later date. You will be liable to your card issuer or financial institution for any dishonour fees incurred on your Nominated Account.
    • 5.7.  If you are in default and we are unable to collect any outstanding amounts you owe to us, we may engage a debt collector to recover amounts owing under this Agreement. You must pay for any reasonable enforcement expenses we incur in exercising our rights to recover any outstanding amounts due under this Agreement.
  1. Dealing with our rights and obligations

We may assign or novate to any person or entity or otherwise deal in any manner with any of our rights, obligations or interests under this Agreement and you consent to us assigning or novating this Agreement.

  1. Notices
    • 7.1.  You agree that we may give you any notice or document regarding this Agreement and otherwise communicate with you by email, post or personal delivery to any addresses you notify to us.
    • 7.2.  You agree to notify us promptly if you change your name, residential address, email address or other contact details and to provide us with the relevant updated information.
  1. Termination of this Agreement
    • 8.1.  Without limiting our rights under clause 5 to terminate this Agreement if you default, we may also terminate the Agreement by notice to you after all instalment payments due under the Schedule have been paid or become due and payable.
    • 8.2.  You can terminate this Agreement at any time by contacting us, provided the Outstanding Balance (if any) has been paid in full to us and no disputes or refunds are in progress.
    • 8.3.  On termination of this Agreement for any reason, you must immediately pay all amounts owing under the Agreement including applicable fees without set-off or deduction.
  1. Governing law

These terms and conditions will be governed by the law for the time being in force in the State of Western Australia, and you agree to submit to the non-exclusive jurisdiction of the courts in that State.

  1. Privacy and consent
    • 10.1.  You authorise Fintech Services Australia Pty Ltd (the "Access Seeker") to request your credit score from a Credit Reporting Body and instruct the Access Seeker disclose that score together with any preliminary assessment conducted to one or more lenders, to determine eligibility for a RentPay Scorebuilder and Safetynet Continuing Credit Contract.
    • 10.2.  By proceeding I instruct the Access Seeker to use and disclose my Credit Score and other personal information to obtain credit offers and pricing from credit providers and brokers, which may include One Card Credit Pty Ltd and their other related entities.
    • 10.3.  You agree that we may collect your personal information to identify you, process any applications you make, provide our services to you and comply with our legal and regulatory obligations in accordance with our respective privacy policies which may be accessed as set out below:
    • 10.4.  These Privacy Policies set out in more detail how we manage the personal information we hold (including information about your credit) and how you can seek access to, or the correction of, the information we hold about you. It also sets out how you may complain about our information handling practices and how we deal with such complaints.
    • 10.5.  Your personal information may also be disclosed to a debt collector if you are in default under the Agreement.
    • 10.6.  We may obtain a credit report about you in connection with this Agreement and you consent to us doing this. A credit reporting body (CRB) may include information about you in credit reports to credit providers (such as us) to assist them in assessing your creditworthiness. If you fail to meet your payment obligations or if you commit a serious credit infringement, we may be entitled to disclose this to a CRB.
    • 10.7.  The CRB we use is Equifax whose policy on the handling of personal information related to credit can be found at https://www.equifax.com.au/privacy/. You have a right to request a CRB not to use your information for the purposes of pre-screening direct marketing and you can also request a CRB not to use your information if you believe on reasonable grounds that you have been or are likely to be the victim of fraud.
    • 10.8.  If you do not provide us with your personal information, we may not be able to provide our services to you.
    • 10.9.  We may disclose your personal information to our related entities, service providers and agents located overseas, including in the UK, Ireland, USA, Israel, the Philippines and Hong Kong.
  1. Varying these terms and conditions

These terms and conditions may be varied by us from time to time, provided any changes which materially affect your rights or obligations are made by giving you no less than 15 days’ written notice prior to the change. If you do not wish to agree to any such variation, you may terminate this Agreement in accordance with clause 8 and no fee will be applied to such termination in these circumstances. Unless and until you terminate this Agreement, you will be taken to have agreed to any changes to these terms and conditions from the day such changes become effective.

  1. Customer Complaints
    • 12.1.  If you have any questions, concerns or complaints about this Agreement, please contact our Customer Service team on: Telephone: 1300 797 933 Email: complaints@www.rentpay.com.au. We take all complaints seriously and will respond to your complaint within a reasonable period.
    • 12.2. If you are dissatisfied with our handling of your complaint, you can lodge a complaint with the Australian Financial Complaints Authority, or AFCA. AFCA provides fair and independent financial services complaint resolution that is free to consumers Online: www.afca.org.au Email: info@afca.org.au Phone: 1800 931 678 Mail: Australian Financial Complaints Authority GPO Box 3 Melbourne VIC, 3001



  1. Application Fee

To be charged upon you submitting an application to us.

Date Charged FrequencyFee
Date of ContractOne-off$3.00 including GST
  1. Scorebuilder Fee

To be charged each month you remain opted into Scorebuilder (i.e. maintain a Scorebuilder and Safetynet account with us).

Date ChargedFrequencyFee
Date of ContractMonthly$1.00 including GST
  1. Outstanding Balance

Once we have approved your credit limit, you may drawdown an amount up to that limit and then that amount plus any other fees and charges under your agreement with us becomes your Outstanding Balance.

  1. Safetynet Fee

To be charged at $4 per fortnight or part thereof when you have an Outstanding Balance with us. Charged at the start of each repayment period when the Outstanding Balance is greater than $0.

Repayment FrequencySafetynet FeeAnnual Cap
Fortnightly$4.00 (excluding GST)$104.00 (excluding GST)


  1. Fortnightly Repayment Frequency

Repayments are due every fourteen days.

Payment NumberRepayment Amount + Safetynet FeeBalance Post Repayment
11/4 of Outstanding Balance$4.003/4 of Outstanding Balance
21/4 of Outstanding Balance$4.002/4 of Outstanding Balance
31/4 of Outstanding Balance$4.001/4 of Outstanding Balance
41/4 of Outstanding Balance$4.00$NIL