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Finding financial freedom: Setting realistic money rules that work

Are you ready to take control of your finances and set up your future?
3 minute read

Let’s unpack four practical ways to establish realistic money rules that can transform your relationship with money. 

Face your financial reality

If you want to get your budget under control, today’s the day to take a good, hard look at your spending habits. Sometimes we don't even realise how much money we're letting slip through our fingers. So, start by looking at your income and expenses and note where your money is going. This will help you create a budget that works for you and your future goals. You got this!

Embrace separate accounts

Have you ever thought about setting up separate bank accounts for different purposes? It can be a great way to manage your finances and ensure you're allocating funds in the best way possible. With separate accounts, you can set aside money for things like savings, taxes, or even a little luxury fund for those unexpected expenses. Plus, it helps you avoid the temptation to dip into funds that should be reserved for other purposes.

When your emergency fund’s mixed in with your regular savings (or, worse, your day-to-day dollars), it’s easier to justify dipping into it. So choose a high-interest savings account and label it ‘Emergency fund’. This will show you how much you’ve saved, and you won’t be tempted to dip in. RentPay's buffer feature is the perfect way to hold onto extra cash and save up reserves to cover you when needed. You can choose how much (if any) you want to add to your buffer each funding period (e.g. $20 per week). You can change this amount anytime through the RentPay app.

Balance practicality and pleasure

Finding a balance between practicality and pleasure can be a real challenge, especially when it feels like you have to sacrifice all of life's little joys. Let's start by identifying your essential expenses, like bills and other necessary payments. Once we've taken care of those, we can set aside some money for those special occasions and simple pleasures that make life worth living. Whether it's a holiday, a night out with friends, or just a little treat for yourself, you deserve to enjoy these things guilt-free. With some planning and budgeting, you can have your cake and eat it too!

Discover the joy of free

While setting money rules is super worthwhile, don't forget the fun experiences that don't require spending money. Get creative and explore the wealth of free activities out there. Instead of going out for an expensive meal or splurging on a night out, why not plan a cosy at-home date night or a fun gathering with friends? There are countless ways to make lasting memories without breaking the bank. By embracing free alternatives, you can save money while still living life to the fullest.

Incorporating RentPay into your financial journey

When effectively managing your money and staying on top of your budget, having the right tools can make all the difference. RentPay offers a user-friendly platform to help you stay organised and automate your finances. With RentPay, you can make your rent payments with just a few clicks and then set up automated payments. This ‘set and forget’ feature guarantees that your rent is paid on time, providing peace of mind and allowing you to focus on other tasks. 

Digital platforms like RentPay offer more than just convenience. They’re a powerful tool for achieving your financial goals. Paying your rent with RentPay using your credit card means you can earn thousands of reward points each year. RentPay also helps you build up a savings buffer for unexpected expenses by allowing you to set up a recurring payment each time you pay rent. This feature can be a game-changer for renters seeking financial stability and flexibility. 

At RentPay, we're here to support your financial journey every step of the way and provide you with the tools you need to succeed.

©RentPay 2022
©RentPay 2024. RentPay Technology Pty Ltd ACN 636 254 709 (Australian Credit Licence: 541127) is an Authorised Representative (ARN: 001286725) of Flexewallet Pty Ltd (Australian Financial Services Licence: 448066).
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