These Direct Debit Conditions and the Direct Debit Request (collectively the Direct Debit Service Agreement) allows Us to debit payments at intervals and amounts from your Account through the banking system as per the RentPay User Agreement. These conditions set out your rights, your responsibilities to us and our commitment to you, and advise where you should go for assistance.
Account: means the bank accounts, credit cards, or debit cards you have nominated in the Direct Debit Request.
Agreement: means the Agreement between you and us, being the Direct Debit Request and these Direct Debit Conditions.
App: means the RentPay mobile application that can be downloaded from either the Apple App Store or Google Play app stores, or web-based version at
Banking system: Your financial institution account including the Bulk Electronic Clearing System (BECS)
Debit Day: means a day that payment is due to be made to your wallet or to us for fees or charges.
Debit Payment: means a particular transaction where a debit is made, according to your Direct Debit Request.
Direct Debit Request (“DDR”): The direct debit request between you and us, including the collection of direct debit information during the electronic signup process.
Direct Debit Service Agreement (“DDSA”): Your agreement to these Direct Debit Conditions and the Direct Debit Request.
RentPay: means RentPay Technology Pty Ltd ABN 68 636 254 709 (Direct Debit User ID 616839, 621551), a company that you have authorised to direct debit your Account under this agreement.
RentPay Fees: means the fees and charges applicable to your use of the RentPay system which are advertised on our website and in the App.
Us, We and Our: means RentPay.
You: means the person(s) who agreed to the Direct Debit Service Agreement.
Your Financial Institution: is the Financial Institution at which the Account is kept.
- 1.1 Before you agree to the Direct Debit Request, you should:
- check with your Financial Institution whether direct debiting is available from your Account, as some institutions do not allow DDR’s to be processed on some Accounts;
- ensure that your Account details specified in the Direct Debit Request are correct (check against a recent Account statement); and
- ensure that appropriate persons whose signatures are necessary to operate your Account will agree.
- 1.2 To able to use RentPay you must be an Australian resident and at least 18 years of age.
- 1.3 Warning: if the Account details are incorrect, you may be charged a fee to reimburse our costs of correcting any debit that occurs to an Account that you either do not have the authority to operate or that is someone else’s Account. You indemnify us for all loss or expense we suffer as a result of you giving us incorrect or false information in the Direct Debit Request or in any changes to the Direct Debit Request. This indemnity continues after the Agreement ends.
- 2.1 By agreeing to the Direct Debit Request, you have authorised us to arrange for funds to be debited from your Account according to the Agreement we have with you. We will only arrange to debit funds from your Account in accordance with that authority.
- 2.2 If a Debit Day is not a business day, we may direct your Financial Institution to debit your Account on the next business day.
- 3.1 We may change this Agreement at any time by giving you at least 14 days prior written notice. If you disagree with our change, please notify us within those 14 days.
Subject to clause 4.1, you may change the arrangements under a Direct Debit Request (e.g. the amount you pay or how often you pay) by using the RentPay App or RentPay website to change your preferences. Alternatively, you can contact us on 1300 797 933 or at for assistance in changing the Direct Debit Request.
To stop or defer a Debit Payment, payment options are also available through the RentPay App or website, or you can contact us on 1300 797 933. Payment changes must be done before 11:00am EST of the day that your Debit Payment is due. Alternatively, you can contact your Financial Institution, in writing at least 14 days before the next Debit Day. Please note that you may be charged a fee for this service.
To cancel your Direct Debit Request, you can contact the RentPay Client Services Team on 1300 797 933 to initiate the cancellation process. Alternatively, you can contact your Financial Institution, in writing at least 14 days before the next Debit Day. You must advise us if your Account is transferred or closed for any reason. Should any RentPay fees remain outstanding when your RentPay account is closed and/or deactivated, we will continue to recover these fees until settled by you.
If you provide us with incorrect details, stop payments and/or dishonour any payments (including any fees or rent payments), or we detect suspicious activity we may deactivate or suspend your RentPay Account and suspend all services under this Agreement.
- 6.1 Fees and charges applicable to your account are available at, as described in the Combined FSG/PDS and if applicable the Scorebuilder Terms and Conditions.
- 6.2 Where relevant the RentPay fees & charges and/or Scorebuilder user fees will be levied from your nominated account on the monthly anniversary of the day you registered with RentPay each month. The amount will equate to your membership fee for the previous month and any transaction fees incurred by you for the previous month’s transactions. All fees are non-refundable.
- 7.1 It is your responsibility to ensure that there are enough clear funds available in your Account to allow a Debit Payment to be made in accordance with the Direct Debit Request.
- 7.2 Dishonour Fees: any rental or fee payment made via direct debit that dishonours will incur a dishonour fee of $15.00 that will be levied from you 14 days after the date the dishonour occurred.
- 7.3 If there are insufficient clear funds available in your Account to meet the Debit Payment of your RentPay Fees and your Financial Institution dishonours your payment:
- you or your Account may be charged a fee by your Financial Institution separate to any fee charged by RentPay;
- We will contact you to arrange for another time that we agree with you, for you to have sufficient clear funds so that we can process the Debit Payment. You should check your Account statement to verify that the amounts debited from the Account are correct.
- alternatively, you may contact us on 1300 797 933 to arrange an alternative time for us to process the Debit Payment.
- if you dishonour on your RentPay Fees your RentPay account may be de-activated and RentPay will initiate steps to recover the outstanding monies from you.
- you or your Account will be charged a penalty fee/s as outlined in clause 7.2 to reimburse us for the charges that we have incurred for the failed transaction.
- 8.1 If you believe there has been an error in debiting your Account, you should notify us as soon as possible by phoning 1300 797 933 or emailing We aim to:
- acknowledge receipt of all complaints within 1 business days;
- resolve all complaints within 30 days. This may not be possible in all circumstances.
- where we cannot resolve a complaint within 30 days, we will notify you of the reason for the delay as well as an indication of when we expect to resolve the complaint.
- 8.2 If our investigations conclude that your Account has been incorrectly debited, we will arrange for your Financial Institution to adjust your Account accordingly, and we will notify you of the amount of the adjustment. Otherwise, we will explain why we concluded that your Account was correctly debited.
- 8.3 Any queries about an error made in debiting your Account should be directed to us in the first instance so that we can attempt to resolve the matter between you and us. If we cannot resolve the matter, you can still refer the claim to your Financial Institution, which will obtain details from you of the disputed transaction and may lodge the claim on your behalf.
- 9.1 We will keep any information in your DDR and concerning your RentPay account confidential. We make reasonable efforts to keep any such information that we have about you secure and to ensure that any of our employees or agents who have access to information about you do not make any unauthorised use, modification, reproduction or disclosure of that information.
- 9.2 You authorise the release of the information supplied by you in the DDR to outside contractors who carry out specialised activities on our behalf.
- 9.3 We will only disclose information that we have about you:
in accordance with clause 10.2; and
to the extent specifically permitted by law; or
for the purposes of this Agreement (including disclosing information in connection with any query, dispute or claim, and exchanging information relating to transactions for debit payments with the estate agent specified in the DDR).
We make all attempts to provide a secure environment whenever you use the RentPay platform to make a payment. We encrypt the payment details you provide to us and also have secure links between us and the banking network. We send your payment details through the banking network to your Financial Institution and your payment is then authorised by your Financial Institution. The Financial Institution then transfers money from your Account. All payments and payment information are processed through a secure environment.