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Budgeting secrets for students: Take control of your money

Being a student is an exciting and transformative time in your life. It's also a period where financial responsibility becomes increasingly important.
4 minute read

Managing your money wisely can alleviate stress and prepare you for a successful future.

Let’s look at six money tips specifically tailored for students, helping you navigate your financial journey with confidence and ease.

1. Know your fixed and variable expenses

To understand how much money you'll need, it's worth breaking down your costs into monthly and semester periods to better manage your finances. This will give you a clear understanding of your financial obligations and enable you to create a realistic budget.

Start by listing your fixed expenses, such as tuition fees, textbooks and rent. Then, factor in variable costs like groceries, transportation and entertainment. If you own a vehicle, remember to include expenses like petrol, insurance and maintenance.

By clearly understanding your financial commitments, you can make informed decisions about your spending and saving habits. This breakdown will also help you anticipate significant upcoming expenses, such as semester fees or project-related costs, so that you can plan accordingly.

2. Separate your money and create budgets

To keep your finances organised and under control, it's important to separate your money and set spending limits by creating different budgets (or buckets) for various categories. You can create a separate account for rent, utilities, and groceries. This separation helps you track your spending and use your funds wisely.

This is where RentPay, a simple-to-use digital wallet that allows you to pay rent your way, can be handy. With RentPay, you can conveniently automate your rent payments. Using the app's features, you can easily ensure that your bills are paid on time, allowing you to focus on your studies without worrying about missed payments.

It’s also worth thinking about creating a budget for social activities and entertainment to balance your enjoyment of student life with responsible spending. By setting limits and being aware of your expenses, you can prioritise your financial goals without feeling like you're missing out.

3. Leverage the right payment methods

It's important to choose the payment methods that can maximise value and contribute towards your goals – whatever works best for you. Some people think cash is the only way to pay. You may choose a payment method which is most easy and convenient for you. If travelling and holidays are your thing, you'll want to put everything on the credit card to hack frequent flyer points.

With RentPay, you get to choose how you want to pay rent your way. There are a wide range of payment methods offered, including direct debit, PayID, BPay, debit and credit cards.

For international students and residents living and studying in Australia, RentPay offers a safe and secure international payments option (an Australian first!) which gives you the ability to pay your rent using Alipay, WeChat Pay and UnionPay.

4. Plan ahead for unexpected expenses

There will always be times where you're a bit stuck for cash. You might not be getting enough hours at work, you've cracked a tooth and need dental work, or you forgot about a birthday you'll now need to go out and buy a gift at the last minute. We've all experienced these temporary moments of panic!

To avoid asking your parents for money or borrowing from friends, it's important that you have a savings buffer or money in an emergency fund in place for these rainy days.

RentPay offers feature for you to build a buffer or emergency fund. By automating your payments (and savings) through the app, you can gradually accumulate funds for unexpected expenses or future financial goals. RentPay's secure platform ensures that your savings are kept separate from your everyday spending, helping you establish a solid financial safety net.

5. Seek opportunities for financial growth

As a student, starting a solid financial foundation early on can give you a handy head start. By starting early and developing good financial habits, you can take advantage of the power of compound interest and set yourself up for long-term financial success.

Seek opportunities to help you grow your money and make it work for you. One way to do this is by opening a savings account and setting aside a portion of your income or allowances regularly. You could also put money into a term deposit or high-interest account to set and forget while accruing interest on your savings.

You might consider taking on a casual job or side hustle to boost your savings. Some people are very entrepreneurial and turn their hobbies and passions into money-making ventures. There are many opportunities you could explore if you're motivated enough!

In any case, financial literacy is an important life skill to have, so make sure you keep learning and upskilling on being more savvy with money and investing whenever you can.

6. Prioritise your financial and personal wellbeing

While taking care of your finances is important, your personal wellbeing is equally essential. Everyone has different financial situations, so don't compare yourself to others. Instead, be kind to yourself and focus on what's best for you and your specific circumstances.

Avoid unnecessary spending or lifestyle choices just because others are doing so. Make financial decisions that align with your goals and values to ensure a sustainable and healthy financial future.

However, trying to live on an extremely tight budget or cutting out everything that you enjoy in life also isn't healthy. Ensure you strike a balance between being financially responsible and treating yourself occasionally.

Practising self-compassion, maintaining a positive mindset and applying self-discipline when needed will help you handle financial challenges and make sound decisions.

Let’s wrap up!

As a student, learning how to manage your finances is important. This skill will benefit you beyond your academic years. Remember that it's a journey (not a sprint!), and mistakes are inevitable, but you can learn from them and make adjustments along the way.

By following these money tips, using helpful renter-friendly tools like RentPay, focusing on mindful spending, setting realistic goals, making smart financial decisions, and seeking opportunities for financial growth, you can establish a solid foundation for your future.

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©RentPay 2024. RentPay Technology Pty Ltd ACN 636 254 709 (Australian Credit Licence: 541127) is an Authorised Representative (ARN: 001286725) of Flexewallet Pty Ltd (Australian Financial Services Licence: 448066).
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